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The Power of Communication: A Lesson from a Simple Exercise

A few weeks ago, we conducted an insightful experiment with one of our clients that taught us a lot about the importance of communication—especially how easily it can break down.

The setup was simple but effective. One person had to build a design using small wooden shapes behind a barrier, while their partner, sitting on the other side, had to replicate that design by following verbal instructions.
Here’s where it got interesting: the person giving instructions was a manager, and the one following was their direct report. Observing this interaction was, to put it lightly, a bit wild.

The manager quickly rattled off instructions, moving at lightning speed, while the direct report sat there, trying to follow along. The look on their face said it all—pure confusion. Yet, they didn’t ask a single question. 

Fast forward four minutes (out of a six-minute exercise), and the manager finally asked, “Any questions?” It was clear the direct report was completely off track. With only two minutes left, the direct report began to ask targeted questions. And despite the time crunch, they got surprisingly close to replicating the original design.

So, what does this tell us about how we work and communicate?
We NEED to slow down.

We’ve all been in situations where we fire off quick emails or instructions, expecting our teams to keep up without fully explaining ourselves. We assume people know what we mean—but do they? Often, the answer is no.

Here are some key takeaways from this exercise:

We Move Too Fast: Like the manager, we often rush through instructions and then wonder why things aren’t done as expected. But when we speed through tasks, we risk leaving our teams confused from the very beginning.

Questions Matter—But Timing Matters More: Asking open-ended questions like, “Any questions?” can be helpful, but timing is everything. If you wait until people are already lost, they might not even know what to ask. And worse, they might feel pressured to keep quiet because of time constraints.

Two Ways to Improve Team Alignment

If this story resonates with you, here are two simple steps you can take to make sure your communication is clear and your team is on the same page:

  1. Try the Exercise Yourself: Conduct this same experiment with someone on your team. Have one person give instructions to replicate a design behind a barrier, while the other tries to follow along. This exercise is a fun, eye-opening way to reveal where communication gaps exist and where more clarity is needed. You can easily make the shapes and barrier yourself, or if you’d prefer, you can purchase the shapes here and the privacy shields here.
  2. Reserve Time for Questions: Next time you’re setting a plan with your team, reserve at least a third of your time for questions and clarifications. Let your team know upfront that this time is there for them to ask questions and think things through. And if they’re not asking anything, be proactive. Sometimes, they just need a little prompting to dig deeper into what they might be missing.

In a world where speed often feels like the ultimate goal, we sometimes forget the importance of slowing down and making sure everyone is aligned. Clear communication isn’t about how fast we can get things done—it’s about making sure they’re done right.

By pausing, asking the right questions at the right time, and making space for understanding, we can ensure our teams are not just moving fast, but moving forward—together.

about Paige Garland

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